Woman green reflection trees

CO₂ Policy

Our actions to reduce CO₂ emissions in our whole organisation


"Human activity has irreversibly altered the climate. To reduce global warming, we must act on global scale, and we must act now. But there is also a glimmer of hope: stabilizing the climate is still possible, provided that CO₂ emissions fall sharply in the short term."  

- According to RTL News

Co2 neutraal papier

CO₂ Performance Ladder

Lyreco is constantly searching for new ways to reduce CO₂ emissions caused by its business processes and projects. Lyreco Holland is currently preparing its level 3 certification of the CO₂ performance ladder, a tool for promoting sustainability in the procurement process. This implies that a company has insight into all its streams of energy, determines ways to reduce its CO₂ emissions, communicates proactively on this matter both internally and externally, and actively participates in chain initiatives. This certificate enables clients to recognize the companies that take the reduction of CO₂ emissions seriously.

CO₂ prestatieladder niveau 3


Hercertificering CO2-Prestatieladder


CO₂ emissions policy

In addition to its current sustainability efforts, including the collection and recycling of toners, cartridges and smaller office supplies, Lyreco is also committed to reduce its CO₂ emissions. In 2010, Lyreco started measuring its CO₂ emissions. Next, we set periodic targets to reduce our CO₂ footprint. Between 2010 and 2020, our global Benelux footprint has dropped by 38%.

For the period 2020-2050, we aim a CO₂ reduction by 10% for scope 1 emissions and by 2% for scope 2 emissions and BT. The footprint of 2020 serves as reference. The CO₂ emissions per FTE in the reference year is 4.69 tons for scope 1 emissions and 0.31 tons for scope 2 emissions + BT.

Reducing our environmental impact is part of Lyreco’s sustainability strategy for many years. Our CSR objectives are based on 6 pillars, which also include the main environmental components of our organization:

  • Reduction of the CO₂ emissions by reducing the diesel consumption and improving our fleet
  • Reduction of the energy consumption
  • Smart use of traffic on the road
  • Recycling as much waste as possible
  • Further implementation of a circular policy and providing of new circular solutions

To know the full details on our total consumption, CO₂ emissions and projects to reduce them, please refer to our CO₂ Emissions Inventory and Energy Management Action Plan available on our website.

CO2-Emissie-Inventaris 2022


CO2-Emissie-Inventaris 2020


Co2 neutraal

Emissions generated by transport

Most of our CO₂ emissions are produced by the fuel consumption of our vans and company cars. They account for about 93% of our overall CO₂ footprint. To reduce this amount, Lyreco defined a set of measures:

  • Phased renewal of our company car fleet by replacing them by eco-friendly vehicles;
  • Introduction of electric vans for delivery in certain city centers;
  • Assessment of the possibilities for delivery by bicycle couriers;
  • Continuous monthly follow-up of the driving behavior of our drivers, including adjustments if required;
  • Increase employee awareness to reduce energy consumption.

We realize that reducing our streams of energy not only benefits the environment, but also enhances our company’s brand image and saves us money. In the near future we will continue to invest in eco-friendly measures, set up actions and participate in (chain) initiatives allowing us to reduce our CO₂ emissions. 

December 2021

Halfjaarlijkse communicatie prestaties CO2-reductie

December 2021


Oktober 2023

Halfjaarlijkse communicatie prestaties CO2-reductie

April 2024

Halfjaarlijkse communicatie prestaties CO2-reductie


The UN Sustainable Development Goals

Reducing the CO₂ emissions in our global value chain, from our suppliers to our clients, is a primary objective in our efforts to reduce Lyreco’s environmental impact. In 2020, our greenhouse gas emissions dropped by 38.25% compared to 2010.

Green Deal Sustainable Care

More and more healthcare professionals, hospitals and healthcare institutions are working toward a sustainable healthcare industry. The healthcare industry goes green! Lyreco wants to do its bit to help the sector achieve this goal. For this reason, we signed the Green Deal.

Read more about in on the website of the Dutch Central Government

Green Deal in the healthcare industry


For more information, please refer to the website of the the Foundation for Climate Friendly Procurement & Business SKAO (Stichting Klimaatvriendelijk Aanbesteden & Ondernemen)  

In 2022-2023 was Lyreco Nederland actief betrokken bij de Green Business Club.

Green Business Club verbindt bedrijven, overheden en onderwijsinstellingen om samen Nederland te verduurzamen.

Bezoek de website

Green Business Club

Deelname aan een Keteninitiatief 2022-2023

More on CO₂