Safety and well-being as a lever of performance

Employee satisfaction has always been a priority in our commitment towards our collaborators. Lyreco Benelux took a step forward, launching its Lyreco Cares programme.

From there, a lot of initiatives have been successfully implemented, always tailored to employees’ needs, in order to always serve and foster employee excellence.

Lyreco Cares is an interdepartmental collaboration coordinated by HR, QSS and Marcom that is concerned with the well-being of all Lyreco employees through a combination of individual and collective initiatives and a dynamic communication around four pillars.

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Mental resilience

In times when we are flooded with impulses and opportunities through various channels, it is crucial to mentally arm ourselves against the challenges that we have to face on a daily basis, both in our private and professional lives.


Stress reduction

Stress often unwittingly creeps into our system. Healthy pressure causes no harm, but excessive stress is a problem. Stress, for example, is at the root of various physical ailments, which in the long run can be detrimental to your health. An adapted way of working can prevent falls into the ‘stress trap’.

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Physical health

A healthy mind is inextricably linked to a healthy body.

Our health policy must include all jobs, from physical labour to desk work, and every solution must be adapted to each employee's activity.

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Safety in the workplace is a top priority; especially in the shop and warehouse floors.

The diverse needs of all employees, whatever their job and whatever their missions, must be taken into account.